Abstract Submission


    1) Please complete your event registration on the website. No fees are required at the time of registration; payments can be made once the abstract's acceptance has been confirmed. Co-authors registering for the congress should not submit an abstract that has already been registered by one of the authors.

    All abstracts must be submitted through the official Congress website.

    2) Log in the author's area using the username and password chosen during registration. New menus will be displayed.

    3) Follow the instructions to access the abstract submission form in [Scientific Registration>>Abstracts]. Complete all fields in the online form.

    4) Before submitting the abstract, please review it carefully. Changes will be allowed only until the final submission deadline. The submitting author must fill in all the fields in the online form. All communications related to the scientific paper will be sent only to this author by registered email, and they will be responsible for forwarding them to co-authors.

    5) Choose the presentation type:

    • Oral or paper poster presentation
    • Paper poster presentation only


    9) To access the event website again, log in with your username and password on the [ATTENDEES AREA] menu. If you do not remember your login data, use the "forgot your password?" option at the top of the page.

    6) After submitting the abstract, click on "Log out".

    7) The person in charge of the presentation (the same person who submitted the abstract) will receive an email confirming the information provided. Please check if all the details are correct. If any errors are found, log in again and make the necessary adjustments (up to the abstract submission deadline).

    8) If you do not receive the automatic email acknowledging the submission on the same day, the abstract may not have been sent correctly. Contact the abstract management team at camila.mazotti@ccmgroup.com.br. Remember to check your SPAM box before doing so.


    Clinical findings & Epidemiology - MS, NMOSD, MOGAD

    Treatment - MS, NMOSD, MOGAD

    Neuroimaging & other biomarkers

    Immunology and basic Science

    Autoimmune Encephalitis

    Multidisciplinary care

    Differential diagnosis


    The deadline for abstract submission is April 1st, 2025.

    On May 12th, 2025, abstract acceptance will be published in the restricted area [Scientific Registration >> Abstracts].

    The official language of the Congress is English. Abstracts must be submitted only in English; papers submitted in other languages will not be considered. They must be grammatically correct; otherwise, they may be refused.

    There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author can submit. There is no limit to the number of authors that can be included per abstract. Please list the authors in the desired order.

    The submitter/presenter must be listed as an author. Include the full names and surnames of all authors, without abbreviations.


    After receiving confirmation of acceptance, the person submitting the abstract must confirm the payment of the registration fee by May 27th, 2025.

    • Indicate the name of the primary affiliation institution for all authors, in the native language or English, with up to three levels (e.g., University, School, Department), followed by City, State, or Province, Country.

    The title should be concise and reflect the study to be presented. The length of the title must be limited to 250 characters. The text of the abstract should not exceed 300 words (title and authorship/affiliation not included).

    The abstract should be structured as follows:

    Background Objective Methods Results Conclusion


    The institution or institutions where the research was conducted, as well as the names of the authors, should NOT be mentioned in the body of the text.

    Case reports should be structured as follows:

    Case Presentation Discussion Final Comments


    For this category of presentation, authors should prepare two versions:

    A PowerPoint slide presentation to be shown in the Arena. An E-poster to be available for consultation throughout the conference.



  • For this category of presentation, authors should prepare three versions:

    • A PowerPoint slide presentation to be shown in the Arena.
    • A printed poster to be hung on display panels for presentation.
    • An E-poster to be available for consultation throughout the conference.

    Authors must include a QR code on their physical posters, providing attendees with direct access to the PDF version of the e-poster.

  • For this category of presentation, authors should prepare two versions:

    • A printed poster to be hung on display panels for presentation.
    • An E-poster to be available for consultation throughout the conference.

    Authors must include a QR code on their physical posters, providing attendees with direct access to the PDF version of the e-poster.


    The oral presentation must be done within 10 minutes:

    Presentation time is 7 minutes. After the presentation, there will be 3 minutes for discussion and possible questions from jury and guests.


    You can download the template [HERE]. Information about the day and time of the presentation will be available in the scientific program of the congress.

    If none of the authors attend the event, the presentation will be canceled, and the certificate will not be issued.

    The presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint slides (Windows) and handed in at the Media Desk at least 1 hour before the session starts, to upload the document to the media system.


    The approved abstracts will be sent electronically (E-poster). The guidelines and standards will be available soon.



    Dimensions: The poster must be 1.20 meters (one meter and twenty centimeters) in height x 0.90 meters (ninety centimeters) in width.

    Design: The font, font size, and overall design/style of the poster are at the discretion of the authors of the abstract.

    Responsibility: The event organizers are not responsible for the delivery or receipt of materials at the event venue. Each author is responsible for printing and displaying their own poster.

    Affixing Posters: Posters must be affixed in locations determined by the event organizing committee on the specified day and time. They will be identified by a number available on the congress website in the section designated for the responsible author, indicating where to display the poster at the venue.

    Removal: Posters not removed within the timeframe specified by the event organizers will be discarded. There will be no designated space for storing posters, and it is entirely the responsibility of the presenting author to manage their poster.

    Language: The poster must be in English. Authors should bring the printed poster for display during the Happy Poster session.

    Details about the presentation day and time will be available in the congress's scientific program.

    Printing Services Recommendations:

    AlphaGraphics Jardins
    Address: Alameda Santos, 815 - Jardins, São Paulo - SP
    Phone Number: (11) 3146-0640 Gráfica Elyon
    Website: www.graficaelyon.com.br | Instagram: @graficaelyon
    Phone Number: (11) 3783-6527 Gráfica Nova7
    Address: R. Sansão Alves dos Santos, 197 - Cidade Monções, SP
    Website: www.graficanova7.com.br | Phone numbers: (11) 2615-2763 / (11) 2615-2756.



    Aluizio Marques Award - R$3.000,00
    Roberto Melagrano Award - R$2.000,00
    Gilberto Belisário Award - R$2.000,00
    Immunology and Basic Science Award - R$2.000,00


    The abstracts will be published as a supplement to Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria journal, each assigned a DOI.



    After the congress, the certificates of the abstracts approved for presentation will be made available to the author responsible for the submission on the congress website (conditional on his/her attendance at the event). To print or download the PDF file, you should access the "Certificates" menu on the Congress homepage, enter the registered email, and fill in the "Satisfaction Survey."

    Important notice: the certificates will not be sent directly by email.
    - A certificate will be issued with the title of the abstract, in the approved modality, and the name of all authors registered at the time of submission.
    - The second certificate will be issued with the title of the abstract, the approved modality, and the name of the presenter.

    At least one of the authors must be registered and have attended the event to receive the certificate later. If the author responsible for submitting the abstract did not attend the event, one of the co-authors (who attended and presented the paper) may request a certificate transfer via the email provided in the CONTACT menu.