Dear Colleagues and friends.
It's an honor to invite you to the 26th Brazilian of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum disorders on June 11-14 2025, in the city of São Paulo (BCTRIMS 2025).
The theme of the congress is “MS and NMOSD in the world” and we are carefully preparing a special event so that you can take part in the main advances around the globe. Progress in the field of neuroimmunology is enormous, especially through new pathophysiological discoveries, new molecular biomarkers, advances in neuroimaging, innovative treatments, and also new diagnostic perspectives. In addition, great challenges are also expected in providing health equity in our world with different socio-demographic, ethnical, and economical backgrounds.
The event will feature the participation of renowned national and international experts in MS, NMOSD, MOGAD and autoimmune encephalitis, oral, and poster presentations of research, meetings in the arena and the famous neuroimunobol. The congress will offer a unique opportunity to share knowledge, establish collaborations and inspire new ideas. For the younger generation, it's a great opportunity to improve their knowledge and learn from great experts in the field.
Your presence will be important to the success of the congress. We hope that you will be able to join us and share your knowledge, experiences and also have a pleasant
time in the city of São Paulo.
Best regards.

Henry Koiti Sato
Chairman, BCTRIMS 26th Annual Meeting